My first time in the USA

Last time I was in Chicago, USA. It was my first time not only in this city, but also on this country. I’m from Poland, so, it was very exciting for me and provided a lot of new experiences. In many cases, it was like something completely new, like conquering “The New World”. This was also an opportunity to verify some of my expectations. In this post, I would like to share some of my observations, some opinion. For readers from the USA may be a little strange, but… it will show you some important differences. If somebody thinks, that world is always and everywhere similar, that people are always similar, makes a big mistake.  Ok, let’s see, what can I tell about that trip.

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Vue – v-model with two-way data binding in custom component

Vue offers very nice binding and events system. We can create component, set some data using props, and also emit events from that component. If you read official Vue documentation, you can see examples for some standard form inputs. These examples using v-model and allows two-way binding without any additional code and without creating methods for events in parents – of course, we can still watch data from v-model. Can we use v-model way also in our custom components? Yes, it’s possible and very simple to do. See some examples.

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SweetAlert2 – Do not prompt in the future

NPM repository is great too, where we can find a lot of very good tools. On of them is SweetAlert2. Library to qucikly implement dialogs with errors, success messages or question. This library also allows to implement simple forms, like question about youir name with input, selection field, radio, files upload or other, custom template. This small tutorial is how to add “do not prompt in the future” to SweetAlert2 dialog. It’s vary simple, but some dev can be confused, how to add this, because it’s in conflict with some build-in options.

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Gravel – probably the best bike in the world

I wrote about road bike and CX bike comparison about two years ago. I wrote also about comparison CX bike and mountain bike. In my opinion, CX bike can be good alternative for both of them. After these two years, my opinion is the same. I have some additional observations: gravel bikes are better. And it’s probably the best bike in the world, most universal, the best for most of the users. Especially for cyclist from my country, from Poland, when “MTB is the king”. But things change, and it seems that gravels will be the most popular bike type. Read to see why.

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Vue dynamic, async components (lazy load)

Vue is very nice framework that allows us to simply and quickly create apps. After many many hours and after hundreds of lines, our app can be big, really big. It’s bad for user experiences, because of long loading and delays. If we use a lot of components and many of them are rendering conditionally, we can load them asynchronously, as other chunks. How do this? It’s very simple, we must just import required files not always, but only on demand – something like lazy loading. Everything is build-in, so we only have to make only few small changes.

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