TickTick – tasks manager review

I don’t write software reviews often. It’s because I wrote a lot of reviews few years ago, when I worked in IT news websites as editor. Now have a lot of other things to do, but sometimes want to do an exception, because some software is worth to spend time for review. Good example is TickTick, “hero” of this post: small, but very nice app to manage tasks. I’ve used it for about a year and think, I can now write some words about it, also think it’s a good topic, because many people try to manage time, manage tasks and calendars, and there are a lot of similar tools. I’m minimalist and don’t need a lot of options, like asceticism and simplicity. You can find them on TickTick. One important information: it isn’t sponsored article, it’s my personal review.

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Moving from Evernote to Google Documents

For about four, or maybe five years, I changed my note app may times. Sometimes it was Microsoft OneNote, sometimes Evernote, and sometimes (but not so often) Google Keep. Last time I decided, that I have to move all notes into one place, and must select the best option for my requirements. Evernote was so close, but… I really don’t want to pay for just notes, without using any special features. Also, paying for data transfer in 2019 is… not fun. But Evernote was so great because of nice hierarchy, and very nice apps: I used to use desktop version, but when they add new web version, decided to move only into it. This time was different, because after some investigation I decided to move all notes to… Google Drive and Google Documents.

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Small story about life decisions and cheese

It’s very small story based on one part of one Polish book.

Imagine, that there is a local shop with thousands kinds of cheese.
You shop in this store every day.
And every fuc*** day in your life, you choose gouda cheese.
Always, every time, your whole life.

Imagine, you are dying.
Will you happy knowing, that every day you was secure, you made secure, proven choice?
Or maybe you will regret all these, wasted days?

Divide and Conquer

I work as a software developer and very often must solve big, difficult problems. In most cases, first look at the problem is: “what a crap, it’s impossible to do this!”. But it isn’t true, there are no impossible things. I always take a step back, wait a moment and try to see only one or few parts of issue. Now it’s much simpler. This is divide and conquer principle. Very useful not only in IT, but also on whole live, if you know how to use it.

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Stop procrastination with StayFocusd

Concentration is not an easy art and sometimes causes a lot of problems. This is especially noticeable visible during remote work, where we decide what and when we do it. Sometimes work is big and we looking for… something else. One moment on Facebook, one moment on YouTube, maybe we check news on Twitter and buy something on eBay? Yes, we know that – it’s a problem of procrastination. We can do anything, but not what we should. How can we deal with it? There is one, nice extension for browser called StayFocusd. And it works.

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