Read in Q2 2024

I decided to share some info about books I read – I will publish such a post every quarter and list all books with some summary info. It will include not only books, but also audiobooks, but always with clear info, what medium I used.


Isaac Asimov

I must admit that although I am a fan of many sci-fi books, until now, by some miracle, I had not come across Asimov’s Foundation. I only found out about it when a friend mentioned to me about a series based on its themes. I decided to give it a try and… this series completely absorbed me. I haven’t finished the whole thing yet (I read as the books were published, not in chronological order), I already have six volumes behind me. This is perhaps the best proof that it is a great series, in my opinion still relevant – it is not only sci-fi, but also touches on many social issues or human development. A great read!

The Upright Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos

Leonard Mlodinow

It is really hard for me to characterize exactly what this book is about – because it begins with a historical description of the beginnings of man, and then takes us on an amazing journey through various branches of science. Admittedly, he moves mainly on scientific topics, but he makes it clear that without the influence of religion and culture we would not be as a people, as a civilization, where we are now. The journey continues all the way to quantum physics, which completely changes the view of the world

Your Superstar Brain: Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind

Kaja Nordengen

Another book I stumbled upon by accident while reading a completely different one. It briefly discusses the development of the human brain, its structure and then focuses on a variety of issues related to it: why multitasking is really a bad choice? How to study to remember more? Why artificial sweeteners can have even worse effects than real sugar? You can learn all this from this treasure trove of knowledge about our most important organ. the book was written by a neurologist, nevertheless it is very light, simple to read – huge applause for such transfer of knowledge

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